I love exploring the great outdoors with my kiddos. Seeing their faces light up with excitement when we hit the trails is one of my favorite things in the world. As a kid, I loved being outside, but Ohio didn't offer the towering mountain views, sweeping coastlines, vast old-growth forests and pristine alpine lakes the Pacific Northwest does. It's been such a joy meandering trails with my kids. It feels like I'm giving them an invaluable gift by fostering their imagination and allowing their adventurous spirits to blossom. Does that mean it's easy to get outside? Certainly not! But it's worth it. If trekking through the wilderness with your little ones in tow feels intimidating, that's okay. It was for me too. Planning a trip, packing all the gear, driving to the trailhead and then trouncing through the woods isn't always an easy feat. There is good news though. It's doable, and the more you do it, the easier it gets. So, where do you begin? Here are a few tips and tricks. 7 tips hiking with kids1. Always start with a plan
Before you head out for a trailhead, read trail and trips reports, know how to get there, take a screenshot of directions in case you lose service and obtain all the appropriate passes. Many trails require passes which can be purchased online or at the trailhead. Just know before you go. 2. Pack for your trip - and more Have you ever heard of the 10 essentials? Any time you head out for a hike, especially if you'll be going into the backcountry, it's a good habit to put into practice to pack the 10 essentials. The essentials include:
I like to over-pack when my family goes out on adventures. Not because I enjoy carrying heavy loads on my back, but because I like being prepared. With that being said, I do not follow this rule to perfection in one area. My kiddos are still pretty young, and although proper clothing is very important, I am not a stickler. When we hike, you'll often see my daughter wearing a frilly dress. She says it makes her feel confident, and so this is one rule I'm letting go of - for now. Don't worry, I pack extra clothes just in case. 3. Choose memories over miles It's taken me longer than I'd like to admit to embrace this tip, but I think it's an important one. I strongly believe memories are worth more than miles. When I moved to Seattle, I wanted to hike every trail and scale every peak. It's one of the things that brought me and my husband together. When we had kids, we naively thought we'd be able to do the same trails and hike the same miles. For some, that may be the case. For us, we have a pretty simple rule of thumb. We don't usually pick trails more miles than our oldest child. That means the most miles we will do is around six miles. The reason for this is because I want to ignite their wanderlust with igniting frustration - and tantrums happen when feet get tired, bellies get empty, and naps get skipped. 4. Pack a peak prize When we head out on a long hike, I always pack a peak prize. What's a peak prize you ask? Good question. It's a prize my kiddos get to open when we've reached the peak, or the payoff of a trail. Whether it's a waterfall or a lake or just a rest stop with a beautiful view, the peak prize is a reward for accomplishing something difficult - and it gives them a little boost to finish the hike. We often pack Kinder Joy Chocolates. 5. Payoff hikes are a hit Speaking of payoffs, we like to pick trails that have distinct destinations. I love loops with the payoff in the middle, but those can be challenging to find. Out and back hikes are great, but I often find that my kiddos don't enjoy having to retrace their steps. On those hikes, I'll often hear, "This is boring." So, if you've heard that line before, you're not alone. Our favorite hikes will always be trails that lead to alpine lakes and waterfalls. There is something magical about getting to dip your toes in cold, crystal-clear water. 6. Play games on the trail My kiddos love trail story time. We often make up stories while we hike. My daughter loves to sing, which is great because making noise in the backcountry is never a bad idea. Other games you can play include, seek and find, treasure hunt and color match. Here's a fun nature-themed seek and find Canva template I created. 7. Trail snacks are very important Good snacks make all the difference, especially to mitigate meltdowns. It's okay to stop often for water and snacks. I like to pack an assortment of foods, and I also empower my kiddos to pack their own snacks. When they pack their own treats, I think they are more likely to eat them. Things we like to bring include, granola bars, fruit snacks, Uncrustables and dried fruit. Salty snacks will make your kiddos thirsty, so think about packing treats they can suck on and will hydrate their mouths instead of drying them out. Also, on hot days, remember things like chocolate bars will melt. Happy hiking with your little ones! What tips would you add? Below I've included some of my favorite hiking products. One thing I would definitely recommend splurging on is a good hiking backpack and carrier. When your kids are little, you'll thank me for buying a top-notch carrier. I can promise you'll be carrying your kid on the trail, so don't go cheap on this item. Hiking backpack: https://amzn.to/3TRKCYQ First aid kit: https://amzn.to/49rgQid Carrier: https://amzn.to/3PBY5l4 Tuffo coveralls for kids: https://amzn.to/4aqsACg Women's hiking pants: https://amzn.to/3IVzZ0N Hiking boots: https://amzn.to/3IUGFvW Unicorn headlamp: https://amzn.to/3Tyoy47 Affiliate links are provided in this post.
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AuthorMy name is Kathryn. I am a mom, wife and wrangler of chaos. I enjoy writing and storytelling, and I am always on the hunt for a good book. My pastimes include, hiking, overthinking, drinking coffee and playing golf. Archives
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